The BorgBackup Project

Thomas Waldmann (@ThomasJWaldmann)

Doing Python since 2001, Linux, FOSS.

Projects: MoinMoin Wiki,, bepasty, BorgBackup </div>


Tags: bestpractices crypto backup c cython python

BorgBackup is a modern, deduplicating backup software written in Python 3.4+, Cython and C.

The talk will start with a quick presentation about the software and why you may want to use it for your backups.

Then, I will show how we run the software project: Tools, Services, Best Practices.



About the software:

  • Feature set
  • Code
  • Security
  • Safety
  • Crypto
  • Compression
  • Deduplication
  • The Fork from attic-backup project (and what happened afterwards)
  • Now and Future
  • How you can help

About the project:

  • Github
  • Sphinx and ReadTheDocs
  • Asciinema
  • Mailing list on, IRC on freenode
  • Testing: pytest, tox, travis-ci, vagrant, pyenv
  • "binary" Releases with PyInstaller
  • Automatic versioning: setuptools_scm
  • Secure releasing with gpg signature
  • Python / Cython / C - when to use what